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awwwwwwww we hurt feelin

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soldier in yorkshire have real life like shape target to practice for iraq & afganistan war, to shhot. The moslom say it offend them... awwwwwww god bless. :icon_eek: They say life like mosqu target ,is bad for our relationship. Who the fkin kid !! :laugh::laugh:


stupid depribate abuse uk system, bite your hand, & say we offend them !! :sick: Maybe when they assosiate with uk people , maybe we assosiate with them, why you have these low life do this


tell them :feck::thumbs:



Edited by clint
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Mebbes we should use red london buses or models of the twin towers? Mebbes then our terrorist friends could come along and reminisce? And then maybe we could send our boys in to round them all up and ship them back to the shitholes they call home?

Offensive? I will give the f~ckers offensive :whistling:


This country is too soft/liberal, call it what you want. We need to get all the extremists and anti-brits out of our country. :big_boss:

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